Blitz de cerebro (Brain Blitz)
Tony Andia is the Peabody football team's starting quarterback. After he hits the ground hard during a game he just isn't himself. His friend Artie thinks Tony might have a concussion. Artie…
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Tony Andia is the Peabody football team's starting quarterback. After he hits the ground hard during a game he just isn't himself. His friend Artie thinks Tony might have a concussion. Artie…
Tony Andia is the Peabody football team's starting quarterback. After he hits the ground hard during a game he just isn't himself. His friend Artie thinks Tony might have a concussion. Artie…
Marina is a second year at Beverly Hills Prep and a member of the school dance team. With only limited spots available in the annual spring showcase, she feels more pressure than ever to…
Ben is allergic to the family's new cat and Lola is devastated, but her search to find Jelly a good home is rewarded with a happy (and still furry) ending! Aligned to Common Core Standards…
Katie Flanagan, Lucy Andia, Isabella Clemente, Keith Evans, Artie Lieberman, and Tony Andia are best friends at Peabody Middle School. Join them as they learn about life and themselves…
When his teammate Stu is injured during practice, Manny promises to keep quiet so he can play, but then Stu starts acting funny, and Manny struggles with whether to keep his silence or break…
Julian feels a lot of pressure when he realizes he's the only remaining player from last year's winning team, but a friend's health crisis helps him regain perspective. Aligned to Common Core