
Instant Access — by ABDO


    ABDO is proud to be the first publisher to offer a revolutionary solution for eBook discovery and access in your library. Our Scan-to-Read QR Code Labels grant direct access to your Abdo Digital products, with no login necessary. Download your favorite QR code reader app to begin.

    By offering Scan-to-Read QR Codes as part of our shelf-ready library processing, you can offer seamless instant access—and physically market your library’s digital content.

    Find ABDO Scan-to-Read QR Codes as labels on your book covers—and processed in your MARC records for whole-class access!

  • Watch our Instant Access video to learn how to improve students’ digital discovery and access in your library


Instant Access in 3 Easy Steps!


  • Scan the ABDO Scan-to-Read
    QR Code Label.

  • Read the eBook
    on your device.

  • Save the eBook
    for offline reading.

*Scanning QR codes requires a web-enabled smart device with a camera and/or a QR code reader app.


“No passwords needed. No wait. No checkout. No barrier between reader and book. [Instant Access] lead[s] to instant reading.”

Joyce Valenza

MLIS Program Director, Rutgers


with a $500 minimum direct purchase of eBooks!

Includes Anywhere eBooks (hosted multi-use with downloadable PDF) and Read-to-Me eBooks (hosted multi-use with downloadable no-audio PDF)

Use coupon code INSTACCESS when ordering online,
or contact your ABDO Representative for more information.


ABDO is the sole source provider of Scan-to-Read QR Code Labels
• Scan-to-Read QR Code Labels are unique to your account
• Unlimited multi-use access license per school site
• Offer cannot be combined with other premiums
• Scanning QR codes requires a web-enabled smart device with a camera
• QR codes are compatible with most QR code reader apps
• Speed is dependent on wifi or cellular network; data rates may apply