Caliente y frio (Hot and Cold)
This title will teach readers all things hot and cold using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful and…
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This title will teach readers all things hot and cold using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful and…
This title will teach readers all things light and dark using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful…
This title will teach readers all things hard and soft using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful and
This title will teach readers all things long and short using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful…
This title will teach readers all things fast and slow using examples like animals, fun objects, and other things that they would recognize in their everyday lives. Complete with colorful and
Have you ever wondered how to tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile or a bee and a wasp? Each title in this series compares two animals that often get confused. With easy…