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Cover: Lives Cut Short Set 2

Lives Cut Short Set 2 – Booklist

. . . impressive series is based on the premise that death comes to all of us, even the exceptionally good-looking. Although [the] books. . .come out almost indecently quickly following a celebrity’s demise, the writers are still able to construct a fully rounded picture of life.… View →

Cover: Katharine the Almost Great Set 2

Katharine the Almost Great Set 2 – Library Media Connection

This is a fun, easy, adventurous read-aloud for teachers or adults to share with children. View →

Cover: Lives Cut Short Set 2

Lives Cut Short Set 2 (Top Ten Celebrity Biographies 2012) – Booklist

Stars who died prematurely often lend themselves to particularly intriguing biographies. This series is solidly researched and impressively written, and information in sidebars and boxes helps give context and explanations to the main text. View →

Cover: Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments – School Library Journal

Each offering asks the title question and answers it with a series of simple sentences that describe the main parts of the instrument, and how it is played. Approximately four spreads of images demonstrate the instrument as it is played and enjoyed by various children or adults. The font View →

Cover: Best Sport Ever

Golf (Best Sport Ever) – Booklist

For those interested in the game, this slim volume provides enough information to keep them turning pages. Along with being well written, this book is also notable for its sidebars. Highlighted in golf-course green, they cover everything from balls to clubs, strokes to venues, and great… View →

Cover: World War II

Leaders and Generals, War in the Air (World War II) – Library Media Connection

. . . excellent additions to any middle school collection. In Leaders and Generals, each leader is depicted in a colorful, full-page layout. Included is a brief biography summarizing what each leader is known for . . . [and] the information would be helpful when conducting… View →

Cover: Mission: Nutrition

Mission: Nutrition – Library Media Connection

This series gives readers a taste of activities for a healthy lifestyle. Striking a Healthy Balancegives a variety of healthy food with charts for calories. . .[and] charts of serving sizes compar[e] them with everyday objects. [The] books contain lots of colorful pictures. Recommended View →

Cover: Hispanic American History

Hispanic American History – Library Media Connection

This series highlights the Hispanic American culture from Ancient America through the present, and would be good for upper elementary and middle school students. The illustrations are a helpful supplement to the text. The series would be an excellent tool to use during the celebration of View →

Cover: Extreme Jobs

Storm Chasers, Commercial Fishermen (Extreme Jobs) – Library Media Connection

Introduce students to adventurous jobs with this series. Both titles reviewed highlight the challenges and dangers of these unique careers. The books are filled with bright colors, photos, and large font. “Fact Alerts” are sprinkled throughout, making readers aware of interesting facts.… View →

Cover: Climate Change: Earth has a Fever

Climate Change: Earth Has a Fever – Library Media Connection

This elementary science series helps our younger students understand the effect that rising temperatures have on the Earth, what we can do to help the climate change problem, and a “Dr. Know” experiment in each book. The vibrant illustrations and simple text are supplemented by “Hot… View →

Cover: Famous Firsts: Animals Making History

Famous Firsts: Animals Making History – Library Media Connection

Animals who made history by being the first in a particular endeavor are profiled in this series from Graphic Planet. The illustrations are very colorful and detailed, and each book has short, easy to read facts. Each animal speaks directly to the reader, offering additional facts.… View →

Cover: Australian Animals

Australian Animals – Library Media Connection

Visually pleasing pages filled with full color photographs and highlighted by informational balloons will entice students. The size, format, amount of information, layout, and design of this series are just right for primary grade beginning researchers. Recommended. View →