
Free Abdo Digital Bookshelf accounts

  • Host all of your Abdo Digital assets — including Anywhere eBooks, Read-to-Me eBooks, Interactive eBooks, and Databases — for FREE on one central bookshelf account. Provide secure online access to your students and your patrons with a user-friendly interface on abdodigital.com.

    Your Abdo Digital Bookshelf is complimentary when you purchase hosted Abdo Digital products. These assets will automatically be added to your Abdo Digital Bookshelf at the time of purchase, and you can begin using your bookshelf once you contact Abdo Digital Customer Service.

    Your free Abdo Digital Bookshelf is a great option for sharing your Abdo Digital assets with your students and patrons. Products are categorized and searchable by grade group, genre, subject, format, and alphabet in a user-friendly interface.

  • Download an OPAC button


Get 10 FREE digital titles when you start your Abdo Digital Bookshelf today!

Contact Abdo Digital Customer Service or your local ABDO Representative for more information.


  • Free secure web hosting

    There is no charge to have an Abdo Digital Bookshelf. These secure online accounts are accessible to only the individuals who have the login credentials and a computer connected to the Internet. Your users can log on to abdodigital.com with your unique login information and view your Abdo Digital Bookshelf for free at anytime, anywhere, and as often as they want.

    Easy access options

    With Abdo Digital’s secure web hosting, choose the access method that’s easiest for you.

    • Instant Access

    Offer instant Access to your assets with ABDO Scan-to-Read QR Codes on bookcovers and in MARC records.

    • Circulate the abdodigital.com URL

    While connected to the Internet, students can log in from anywhere with the account’s unique credentials for direct access to your Abdo Digital Bookshelf.

    • Use your library’s OPAC

    Links to hosted titles can be embedded in your MARC records for easy OPAC access. Free with a $350 purchase!

    • Downloadable eBooks

    ABDO Anywhere eBooks and Read-to-Me eBooks come with a FREE downloadable PDF version for offline reading.

  • Site-wide simultaneous access for unlimited users

    This means any number of students who attend your school, or any number of patrons at your library, may view the same product at the same time.

    Once you grant access to your readers with your username and password, Abdo Digital products can be viewed from anywhere with an Internet connection.

    Administrative tools

    Every Abdo Digital Bookshelf account includes an administrator login

    Upon logging into abdodigital.com, administrators will see a “My Account” link under the user dropdown menu in the upper right corner. From there, administrators can update their contact information, run usage and circulation reports, or add additional student usernames and passwords.

    Usage reports can be accessed directly

    Simply log in with your administrator account, select “My Account,” enter a date range under Activity Report, and Run Report. A CSV file will be generated that includes the number of times each title was accessed, as well as geographical information, based on the users’ IP addresses. This file is downloadable and may be opened in any spreadsheet software (Microsoft Excel, Numbers, Open Office, etc.).

ABDO reserves the right to declare any title out-of-print, including its digital formats. Out-of-print titles will no longer be supported by web hosting. Customers in possession of titles declared out-of-print will be provided with a downloadable PDF, free of charge.