Days of Anarchy #2

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Jeremy and his friends drive to Vail to escape possible rioting and anarchy. As the discontent continues on the ground, Dr. Miller and Dr. Lahdka must figure out a way to operate a satellite in Chile. Both scientists grapple with the ramifications of failure, while Jeremy searches for meaning in a new world. Meanwhile, something is afoot in the Rocky Mountains. Days of Anarchy is book #2 from The Meteor, an EPIC Press series, a division of ABDO.

Interest Level Grade 5 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 4
BISACS JUV039090, JUV036010, JUV067000
Genre Fiction, Hi-Lo, Young Adult
Copyright 2018
Division EPIC Press
Imprint EPIC Escape
Language English
Number of Pages 184
Season 2017-12-15
ISBN 9781680768282, 9781680768565
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-user eBook
Dewey FIC
Dimensions 5.75 x 8.5
Lexile 820
ATOS Interest Level Not AR
Accelerated Reader® Quiz NOT AR

Author: J. D. Martens

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