Fan favorite cartoon characters from television, like Pikachu and Mickey Mouse, are rediscovered in this biography series. Each title starts with a table of contents, and vocabulary words are shown in a contrasting color throughout the text. The origin of each title character, along with their personality and artistic description are used to give a well-rounded picture for readers, such as, Scooby-Doo is a brown Great Dane with black spots. He has bowlegs and a long tail (Scooby-Doo). At the end of each title there is a Get to know section where the drawing of the character is labeled and there are sidebars that share their friends, personality traits, skills, or quotes: Sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart (Winnie the Pooh). The back matter includes a glossary, index, and QR code for access to extra material. VERDICT A cute series of popular cartoon character biographies for younger elementary readers.