
Sting Operation

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After the Moth Riders are attacked by Gerlach's Six-Leg Slayers, Aster is captured and imprisoned beneath her village, only to be rescued...but not without losing a dear friend in the process. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Graphic Planet is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 9
Reading Level Grade 3
BISACS JUV001000, JUV002140, JUV008010, JUV008080
Genre Fiction, Graphic Novels, Manga
Subject Action & Adventure, Sci-Fi
Copyright 2025
Division Magic Wagon
Imprint Graphic Planet
Language English
Number of Pages 48
Season 2024-12-15
ISBN 9798384921080, 9798384921509, 9798384921714
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-User eBook, Read-to-Me eBooks
Dewey 741.5/9
Graphics 1-color illustrations
Dimensions 5.75 x 8
Lexile 0 GN
Accelerated Reader® Quiz Pending