4-H and FFA Encyclopedia
This title lets readers discover information about the 4-H and FFA organizations. Along with the history of 4-H and FFA traditions, readers will learn about the organizations' members, their…
51 records found. Displaying 1 - 12.
This title lets readers discover information about the 4-H and FFA organizations. Along with the history of 4-H and FFA traditions, readers will learn about the organizations' members, their…
Explore the deep oceans with sharks, take a ride with horses, and check out the many cat and dog breeds with these information-packed books. In this series, learn about the behaviors,…
Together, the branches of the US military defend the nation at sea, in the air, and on land. This title explores the history of each military branch, how it has evolved over time, and what…
This title includes step-by-step recipes for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, pies, muffins, breads, and more. Features include sections on baking basics, preparation and safety, common ingredients…
Baseball and Softball introduces readers to America's national pastimes. Alongside introductions to the rules and skills required for each sport, readers will learn about the history, great…
Basketball highlights one of the world's most popular sports. Readers will be introduced to the rules of the game, the skills required to play it, and the history of the sport. In addition,…
This title introduces readers to the major types of biomes. Alongside climate, readers will learn about the plants and animals that call each biome home and how they interact with their…
Readers will get an in-depth look at 90 fascinating species that include different insects, centipedes, millipedes, and arachnids. Alongside vivid pictures highlighting the creature's…
The Camping and Hiking Encyclopedia allows readers to explore outdoor opportunities. Alongside information that ranges from RV camping to backcountry hikes, readers will learn about ways to…
Before cars, people used trains, boats, or their own feet to get around. Today, though, cars are everywhere! This encyclopedia gives readers a look into the history of cars, from classic to…
This encyclopedia highlights more than 50 different cats. Alongside colorful photographs of both adult cats and kittens, readers learn about the history, appearance, and behavior of various…
This title includes step-by-step recipes for breakfasts, main courses, side dishes, desserts, and more. Features include sections on preparation and safety and cooking terms. Informative…