Air France Flight 447
On June 1, 2009, a plane was making its way from Brazil to France when it disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean. An investigation revealed the engineering issues that caused the plane to crash.
From a pair of shoes to the tallest skyscraper, the world is full of things designed by engineers. But if engineers, builders, and maintenance crews aren't careful, their mistakes can have disastrous consequences. Human error has led to major floods and nuclear disasters. Oversights and miscalculations can result in cars bursting into flames and aircraft falling out of the sky. Engineering Disasters explores what went wrong in such disasters, who was to blame, and why it is important for everyone involved, from engineers to maintenance crews, to be careful and responsible in their work. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Core Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.
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On June 1, 2009, a plane was making its way from Brazil to France when it disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean. An investigation revealed the engineering issues that caused the plane to crash.
In 1986, a test at a Soviet Union nuclear reactor plant went terribly wrong. A reactor exploded, releasing deadly radiation into the surrounding area. Chernobylexamines the scope of the…
In the 1970s, the Ford Pinto car earned a bad reputation. It sometimes started on fire after rear-end collisions, killing the passengers inside.Ford Pinto Fuel Tanksexamines the scope of the…
In 1889, a downpour of rain caused the South Fork Dam to collapse. A huge wave of water rushed into Johnstown, killing thousands of people. The Johnstown Floodexamines the scope of the…
Hurricane Katrina struck the city of New Orleans in 2005. The levees and floodwalls built to protect the city failed. Many neighborhoods flooded, and more than 1,800 people died. Thousands…
On January 28, 1986, NASA launched the space shuttle Challenger. The shuttle had flown several times before. But this time, just over a minute into the flight, the shuttle exploded, killing…