Crímenes en el tiempo (Crimes in Time)
A military attack thwarts a gang's beating of a sailor. A felon escapes police custody in a hurricane. A ship sinks, taking a thief and his ill-gotten gains down with it. There's all this and more in the Crimes in Time series, where historic events set the scene for criminal capers! Professionally translated.
All 6 titles found.
Apagón de Nueva York de 1977 (NYC Blackout of 1977)
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Bombardeo de Pearl Harbor (Bombing of Pearl Harbor)
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Erupción del monte Santa Helena (Mount St. Helens Eruption)
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Gran incendio de Chicago (Great Chicago Fire)
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Hundimiento del Titanic (Sinking of the Titanic)
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Huracán Katrina (Hurricane Katrina)
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