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Crímenes en el tiempo (Crimes in Time)

A military attack thwarts a gang's beating of a sailor. A felon escapes police custody in a hurricane. A ship sinks, taking a thief and his ill-gotten gains down with it. There's all this and more in the Crimes in Time series, where historic events set the scene for criminal capers! Professionally translated.


All 6 titles found.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Apagón de Nueva York de 1977 (NYC Blackout of 1977) New! Spring 2025
Bombardeo de Pearl Harbor (Bombing of Pearl Harbor) New! Spring 2025
Erupción del monte Santa Helena (Mount St. Helens Eruption) New! Spring 2025
Gran incendio de Chicago (Great Chicago Fire) New! Spring 2025
Hundimiento del Titanic (Sinking of the Titanic) New! Spring 2025
Huracán Katrina (Hurricane Katrina) New! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2025
  • New! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2024