Granja a Mabel (Farm to Mabel)
Mabel is a prodigious chef who is still in elementary school. Each title follows her as she perfects a new recipe, traveling the world to get the special ingredients and learning about different cultures and cooking styles in the process. Each book will end with a detailed recipe for the dish she makes. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Calico Kid is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO. Professionally translated.
All 6 titles found.
Bailando la salsa (Dancing the Salsa)
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¡Come, bebe, y dé miedo! (Eat, Drink, and Be Scary!)
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¡Luces, cámara, snacción! (Lights, Camera, Snaction!)
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¡Mermelada de fresa-fiesta! (Strawberry Jam-boree!)
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S'more pizza, por favor (S'more Pizza, Please)
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Usando tu cerebro-fideos (Using Your Noodle)
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