
Hank el cuida-mascotas Set 1 (Hank the Pet Sitter)

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Poor Hank! It's the first day of summer, and his bike was ruined by his own dad! How could his dad not see the glint of bike fender in the moonlit driveway? Hank's parents want him to be responsible, so Hank needs to raise money for his next bike. Hank starts a pet sitting service, which often costs him almost as much as he takes in! Translated by native Spanish speakers. Aligned to Common Core standards and correlated to state standards. Calico Kid is an imprint of Magic Wagon, a division of ABDO.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Hank el cuida-mascotas Set 1 (Hank the Pet Sitter) (4 titles)
Otis el Grandísimo Perro (Otis the Very Large Dog) 2.1
Pickles el Cerdito muy Hambriento (Pickles the Very Hungry Pig) 2.4
Nam-nam el Pececito muy Consentido (Yum-Yum the Very Spoiled Fish) 2.1
Elmer la Oveja Sigilosa (Elmer the Very Sneaky Sheep) 2.2
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