Mining in America

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The United States has a long history of mining. Policies help keep miners safe. New technologies make it possible to mine more materials than ever before. People interact with and use products that require mined minerals every day, from light bulbs to cell phones. While mining impacts people's daily lives, it also impacts the environment. Mining in America examines the pros and cons of mining, describing how the industry has evolved throughout US history.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Mining in America (6 titles)
The History of Mining
Mined Products and Their Uses
Mineral Processing
Mining and the Environment
Mining Policy
Mining Techniques
  • New! Fall 2025
  • New! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2024
Interest Level Grade 4 - Grade 8
Reading Level Grade 5
Genre Nonfiction
Subject Careers, History, Science & Technology
Copyright 2024
Division Abdo Publishing
Imprint Core Library
Language English
Number of Pages 48
Season 2023-08-01
ISBN 9781098290924, 9781098277109
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-user eBook
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 7.25 x 9.25
Lexile 0
Features Glossary of key words, Index, Infographics, and Informative sidebars

Mining in America- Booklist

The Mining in America series takes readers on a comprehensive tour of the country’s mining industry…. Notable charts and graphs, fast facts, and guided questions in each volume encourage deeper reflection in this niche but fascinating series.