Rm. 201

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Something is wrong in Rm. 201. Science teacher Ms. Fleek is just . . . creepy. So is her house. So are the students in her study group. And so is whatever just hatched out of the egg she sold to Ellie. Enter Ms. Fleek's school, but beware . . . something just isn't right here.

Title   ATOS Format Qty
Rm. 201 (4 titles)
Buyer Beware 2.5
House Sitters 2.5
Key 2.8
Study Group 2.6
  • New! Fall 2025
  • New! Spring 2025
  • New! Fall 2024
Interest Level Grade 3 - Grade 7
Reading Level Grade 2
Genre Fiction, Hi-Lo
Subject Mystery & Suspense
Copyright 2017
Division Magic Wagon
Imprint Spellbound
Language English
Number of Pages 48
Season 2016-08-15
ISBN 9781624021664, 9781680790450, 9781680790788
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-user eBook, Read-to-Me eBook
Dewey 813.6
Graphics Full-color illustrations
Dimensions 5.25 x 7.25
Lexile 0
More Something is wrong in Rm. 201. Science teacher Ms. Fleek is just . . . creepy. So is her house. So are the students in her study group. And so is whatever just hatched out of the egg she sold to Ellie. Enter Ms. Fleek's school, but beware . . . something

Author: Kelly Rogers

Illustrator: Betsy Peterschmidt