
Free Guides

Cover: Pickles and Parks: A Readers' Theater Script and Guide

Readers' Theater Set 2: How to Put on a Production of Pickles and Parks

Theater is a fun, interactive way to help students improve their reading fluency and speaking skills. It also gives them a chance to work in groups and build their confidence. Pickles and Parks presents a fun take on a holiday. The script can be used for traditional Readers’ Theater,… View →

Cover: Turkey and Takeout: A Readers' Theater Script and Guide

Readers' Theater Set 2: How to Put on a Production of Turkey and Takeout

Theater is a fun, interactive way to help students improve their reading fluency and speaking skills. It also gives them a chance to work in groups and build their confidence. Turkey and Takeout presents a fun take on a holiday. The script can be used for traditional Readers’ Theater,… View →

Cover: Black Lagoon Adventures Set 1

The Black Lagoon Teaching Tips and Activities

Children of all ages gravitate to the humor infused into Mike Thaler and Jared Lee’s Black Lagoon tales. Encourage reading and literacy practice with our companion guide—designed to engage interest through fun activities and favorite characters. View →

Cover: Negro Baseball Leagues

The Negro Baseball Leagues Teaching Guide

Baseball is a huge part of American culture, and the Negro Baseball Leagues covers a dynamic time in American history. Engage sports enthusiasts by framing lessons on US history, social studies—including civil rights, integration & segregation, and racism—and more with this… View →