Joe Biden: 46th US President

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This title examines the life and career of the longtime senator and former vice president who became president of the United States. Elected in 2020, Biden took office after a heated campaign that centered on health care, the economy, and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Features include a glossary, references, websites, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Genre Nonfiction
Subject Biographies, History, Social Studies
Copyright 2021
Division Abdo Publishing
Imprint Essential Library
Language English
Number of Pages 112
Season 2020-12-15
ISBN 9781532194108, 9781098213466
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-user eBook
Dewey 973.933
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
Lexile 1170
ATOS Reading Level 8.4
ATOS Interest Level MG+
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 511166
Accelerated Reader® Points 3.0
Features Author/Illustrator biography, Glossary of key words, Index, Informative sidebars, Sources for further research, Table of contents, and Timeline of key events
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Author: Ryan Gale