Amy Coney Barrett: Supreme Court Justice

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This title examines the life and career of the lawyer and judge who was confirmed to the US Supreme Court in 2020. Nominated by President Donald Trump in the final months of his term, Barrett became the fifth female justice in the history of the Supreme Court. Features include a glossary, web resources, source notes, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards. Essential Library is an imprint of Abdo Publishing, a division of ABDO.

Interest Level Grade 6 - Grade 12
Reading Level Grade 8
Genre Nonfiction
Subject Biographies, Careers, Social Studies
Copyright 2022
Division Abdo Publishing
Imprint Essential Library
Language English
Number of Pages 112
Season 2021-08-01
ISBN 9781532195938, 9781098216702
Title Format Reinforced Library Bound Hardcovers, Multi-user eBook
Dewey 328.73092
Graphics Full-color photographs
Dimensions 6.25 x 9.25
Lexile 1050
ATOS Reading Level 7.7
ATOS Interest Level MG+
Accelerated Reader® Quiz 512960
Accelerated Reader® Points 3.0
Features Glossary of key words, Index, Informative sidebars, Sources for further research, Table of contents, and Timeline of key events
Online Resources FREE! Booklinks Nonfiction Network

Author: Kate Conley